The Embodiment Journey

Trusting the Heart

Discover the capacities of your heart to live with kindness, courage,
power and purpose. 

"It is within the human heart we begin weaving
the designs and dreams of experience yet to come."

 - Dana Hutton

An Invitation to
Trusting the Heart

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Trusting the Heart

As we learn to settle in our own skin, resting on a sure foundation, we naturally discover our capacity to open. We sense our interbeing with all of life, and our need to connect and relate fully.

There is an increasing refinement of awareness and deepening of sensitivity. The heart rouses. We want to contribute something wholesome, beautiful, and congruent to the world - to receive and be received. 

In this segment we will explore what it is to trust the heart. What is its deepest desire? How do we learn to listen deeply to ourselves, and others? How can we learn the art of asking beautiful questions? How do we align ourselves with the natural laws of unfolding? Can we listen to the heart’s call, and have the courage to follow its guidance? How do we make the most of this one precious life?

As we deepen our primary relationship to ourselves and the movement of our lives, we will begin to explore the territory of the heart from an embodied perspective. By aligning ourselves with the natural laws of unfolding and the powerful capacities of the heart, we develop a deep trust in our ability to follow the thread of our lives with love and clarity.

Recognising the field of connection we are embedded in, we grow our capacity for rich and rewarding relationships - a dynamic reciprocity of giving and receiving. This serves to clarify our sense of purpose and our unique ways of contributing to life and all living beings.

What's included?

This course provides everything you need to practice well, and the support to do it even better.

You can start anytime and take as long as you need. There is no time limit on this course. 
Each segment of The Embodiment Journey includes : 

6 unique modules

Including 12+ hours of guided movement and meditation practices, creative and contemplative enquiries, background talks, and a variety of support resources to deepen into the themes.

Self-reflection processes

Creative prompts, reflection questions, and optional journalling practices for you to harvest valuable gems of insight from your direct experience.

Interactive Q and A

Private Q and A section where you can have YOUR questions answered and benefit from the questions of others taking the course. 

Personalised email support

Access to individual email support for 3 months. This is so you can ask about anything arising from your practice, troubleshoot any issues arising, and feel supported in your process.

Resources for Life

All practices, resources and transcripts are downloadable and yours to keep for life


Priority access to Individual Mentoring,  Invitation only Embodiment Pods, Discounts on future courses and offerings, Certificate of Completion, and more

"A profound gift"

The Embodiment Journey has been the most profound gift for me.  I am beyond grateful for these teachings, guidance and support and this safe container to allow whatever needs to be revealed, to be seen.  

I feel genuinely more equipped to open to grace, to see the good and be the light than ever before. The practices, the messages, and insights have helped me feel renewed. I recommend the Embodiment Journey to everyone.

- Jenny, 2022 Course Participant

"A beautiful journey"

This course has been a beautiful journey, with so many different ways to explore and layers to it. To feel the support over a long period, and taking the time to explore so many different things has given me a lot, and I highly recommend Chani, this course and all her other offerings.

- Irene, 2022 Course Participant

"Extraordinarily powerful"

I participated in The Embodiment Journey and found it to be extraordinarily powerful. As a person who has “lived” in their head for so many years I already knew that getting in touch with my body was my way forward. I learned from the course that getting in touch with my body actually needed me to get in touch with the whole universe. Chani is a wonderful teacher whose humility allows for her students to learn and grow under an umbrella of deep compassion. I hope that this course touches the lives of as many people as possible.

- Simon, 2022 Course Participant

"A strong framework and the right skills"

I would fully recommend this course. It provides a strong framework and the right skills to enable us to begin the trust process, and to enjoy all aspects of being human, both the dark and light. It then provides a variety of resources to move through whatever issues are presenting, and then this depth of wisdom grows within and life becomes a joy to live.

- Joelle, 2022 Course Participant

Trusting the Heart Modules

Module 1 - A Path With Heart

This module will introduce the foundational practices and principles of this segment to lay down, piece by piece, our very own path with heart. As we gently acquaint ourselves with our own physical and energetic heart, we will be learning to infuse our every moment with radical warmth, openness and tenderness. This alchemical process forms the crucible of deep transformation.

As we increase our capacity to extend friendliness, curiosity, and genuine concern towards all aspects of our inner and outer lives. we will also give time to investigate the inevitable obstacles that arise, and how we can use them as invitations for a healing grace to emerge.

Module 2 - Dimensions of Unfolding

In this module we will be clarifying the ways in which the human person naturally unfolds. We will explore both our spiritual and worldly dimensions as human beings on this planet, our connection to Earth and Sky, and the role of the heart as a potent nexus and conductor of wholesome energy.

We will make space for our heart's true desires, aligning our actions with our deepest intentions, and invite our natural ethics and dignity to reveal their guiding force. Again we discover through our direct experience that the body is the ground and basis of these guiding principles for our lives. 

Module 3 - Compassion, Coherence, and the Clarity of Intuition

This module will open us to the world wide web of heart-based coherence - a network of compassionate activity going on around the world - and how we can tap into it , draw from it, and contribute to it. 

We will explore and clarify intuition from a science-based and experiential perspective. to give us the confidence and clarity to trust our deeper knowing.

And we will explore compassion in some depth - what it is, what it isn't, and how we can cultivate the conditions from which it spontaneously grows. 

This module includes bonus practices from Kath Mitchell

Module 4 - The Radiance of the Dark

In this module we will consciously enter the dark of the body with the inner illumination of our own awareness, to bring a true sense of wholeness to our lives. We will explore the capacity of the deep heart to open to all of life and experience, to further integrate the "parts" of us into a dynamic vibrant whole. 

As we open to the dark as well as the light, we strengthen our trust in the heart's ability to unify contradictions and struggles of all kinds. This further releases us from fear and frees us to walk a path of peace, in harmonious accord with reality and life itself. 

Module 5 - This One Precious Life

This module offers a chance to see how a path with heart allows us to live and love fully, and also helps us prepare to die freely. We will bring our developing skills to embrace our unique life history and experience with courage and empathy, and notice how this frees our energy to live an authentic life of creativity and joy. 

We will explore the inseparable relationship between life and death, and how an awareness of death can uplift our lives in surprising and liberating ways. We will take time to clarify for ourselves what we need to do to really make the most of this one precious life. 

This module includes a bonus interview and practice with Wendy Haynes

Module 6 - An Open Field 

In this module we will celebrate the gifts of the heart, and come to rest more fully in an expanded field of connection, peace and responsiveness. We will give space to honouring (extra)ordinary experiences like blessing, trust, grace, faith, and prayer, and invite these essential and nourishing aspects of human experience back in from the fringes, into our daily awareness and conversations with life. 

We will explore the ways in which we can genuinely share the fruits of our unique process as medicine for our world, and continue to align ourselves with a global healing movement, forging a new way forward for all of life.

Trusting the Heart Guest Presenters

Wendy Haynes
Celebrant, Speaker, Author
Wendy is a sought-after family celebrant and author of several publications on celebrancy. She is a mindfulness and Ongo Everyday Nonviolence facilitator, and is the creator and facilitator of the
6-month online program "Celebrating This Precious Life - Honest Conversations about Death and Dying"
Kath Mitchell
Teacher, Practitioner, Actor
Kath is a trained actor, drama teacher, health worker and long-time meditator with nearly 30 years of experience. Kath facilitates retreats, workshops and courses, and specialises in sharing Loving Kindness and Compassionate Relating skills and practices.
Kath was a much-loved guest facilitator in
The Embodiment Journey in 2022.  

The Embodiment Journey continues with Segment 3 -
Uplifting the Space

Releasing in September
This course assumes a high degree of maturity and self-responsibility. 
It offers ongoing support through the practices themselves and their background resources, personal email support and guidance on how to maintain your own practice, and the possibility for community connection and individual mentoring. However you should be prepared to resource yourself with your existing and developing support networks, including professional support if needed. Because of the self-directed online format, this course is NOT designed to be a therapeutic space, however the work by its nature is revealing and transformative and may therefore be challenging at times. These growth edges are opportunities to discover more of the fullness of our embodiment and humanity. You are invited to fold whatever is experienced into the process of discovery, and you are welcome to bring absolutely any aspect of your experience to this learning environment. 

This course is for you if ....

    • You want to learn how to tap into your body’s intelligence, and to trust and follow its guidance
    • You are looking for a sense of safety and confidence in your body
    • You want to nourish, regulate and resource your nervous system, and learn to rest deeply
    • You want practices and processes to develop your innate capacities, strengthen your intuition, and follow your inspiration
    • You have a deep love for life. You want to feel a part of the Earth's living web, and be in service to life in your unique way
    • You are looking for grounded, accessible, and genuinely liberating methods to navigate the challenges of our current world situation
    • You want to activate connection, compassion and creativity in your life
    • You have a commitment to developing your strengths and integrating your difficulties, surrendering to and learning from Life in the movement towards wholeness
    • You are ready to open to new dimensions of experience, and enter into a process of inner and outer revelation

This course is not for you if ....

  • You are looking for a quick-fix, or a one-size-fits-all solution
  • You need specialised medical or psychological support with your current situation.
    You can, however, engage in this course in conjunction with existing therapies and treatment protocols you may be engaged in. 

***If you are unsure about your suitability for this course, please get in touch to discuss your situation using the form below***

Please get in touch with any questions you have about The Embodiment Journey

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Trusting the Heart is launching

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